Polyclinic Hospiplan – Global PPP Healthcare Management Solutions » Feasibility Studies

Feasibility Studies

Feasibility Study is essential to understand the deficiencies & demand supply economics of the healthcare delivery system of the region. Based on the market study findings, objectives of the promoters & accessibility of the resources, the project conceptualization helps to understand the appropriate sizing of the project in terms of bed-mix, facility-mix & service-mix. The market study may also entail evaluation of the proposed location, especially with reference to the service area. The market study also contributes productivity, revenue & expense indicators for undertaking the financial viability of the project.
We provide following scope of services in feasibility study:

To identify the real health care needs of the community in a particular geographical market and do in-depth need  gap analysis
To identify the type and capacity of the hospital/polyclinic in relation to above mentioned observation.
To identify the specialties and create a service profile for the proposed facility based on above observations.
To determine the financial viability of the project


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